Date 11/02/2011 Time: 1831 hrs (UTC)
Position: 52 deg 33.5 N 53 deg 48.4 W, Speed 9.5 Knots
Wind 33 Knots W
The Celtic Explorer in the ice (photo Kate Barley)
ICE! This is our theme of the day.
The Celtic Explorer is all covered in ice today as we continue northwards in our quest.
Celtic Explorer’s ice covered bow (Photo: Antony Hobin)
Luckily for those of us who were feeling a little under the weather yesterday, the seas have now calmed down a little bit. The excitement today was of the ice covered boat and an icy sea. We have some blue skies and sunshine today too so we are counting ourselves lucky, however at -10 degrees centigrade, its no sunbathing weather!
Icy topsides (Photo: Ed Stern)
Seals on the ice (Photo: Antony Hobin)
No swimming out there today! (Photo: Antony Hobin)
Captain Antony Hobin surveys the ice while PhD student Kate Barley looks on, enjoying a cup of tea.
(Photo: Paddy Kenney)
(Photo: Paddy Kenney)
The bridge offered some great views of the ice, including front row seats as the crew braved the weather to beat away ice on the foredeck.
Bosun Davy Murphy trying to warm his hands on the foredeck by the only means available. (photo: Ed Stern)
Celtic Explorer and her tender Tom Crean. Photo: Susan Fudge
The lovely calm waters of Trinity Bay – dropping off Susan and Harold on Day 13. Susan forwarded this photo to us once she was safely back in St. John’s .
Here are some fun pictures to end with, many of the students suited up in their survival gear during a boat drill we had on our first day aboard. All the serious safety stuff aside, everyone was secretly wondering if orange was their colour. Riley certainly looks proud with his new look.
MSc students Laura Wheeland, Riley Pollom and Livia Goodbrand, PhD student Craig Knickle, and Susan Fudge, all geared up and prepared during the boat drill. (Photo: Ed Stern)
In the dry lab a little poker league started up during some quiet time, the lack of poker chips meant some initiative had to be used and Ed’s gummy bears came into good use. The game sadly ended in defeat for Ed and Craig; Ed’s poker face did not hold up and Kate won the game!
Craig, Ed and Kate playing Texas hold ‘em Poker. (Photo: Kyle Krumsick)
Blog by
Kate Barley
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